
Extra virgin olive oil Kristofola – buža wins gold at the 9th Olive Festival in Zagreb

The ninth Olive Festival in Zagreb this year was held at the Sheraton Hotel in Zagreb. The festival is organized by the Zagreb Olive Institute, which aims to contribute to the development and improvement of olive growing in Croatia. This is achieved through the gathering of top experts and scientists in the field of olive growing, sales exhibitions, workshops for tasting olive oil and making cosmetics based on it, and by holding panels on branding Croatia as a country of top-quality olive oils.

At this year’s festival, an equal number of monovarietal and varietal oils were analyzed and evaluated, with the largest number of entries coming from Croatia, mostly from Istria, which is expected given that Istria has been declared the highest-quality olive-growing region in the world for several years in a row.

The monovarietal extra virgin olive oil Kristofola – Buža was awarded a gold medal again this year, and we are proud to be the owners of yet another recognition for our pursuit of top quality in the production of extra virgin olive oil.