
Planting and raising olive groves is creating new values that remain for generations. They asked an old man who was planting olives: „Why do you plant olives that you will not be able to pick?" He smiled and replied: „Look at those old olives, I didn't plant them, and I pick them."

Our love and interest for high-quality products made from noble olive tree existed since the early days, and the vision was realized gradually and thoroughly. We started with the planting in year 2000. Every next year we planted about two hundred olives of autochthonous Istrian varieties, primarily the Buža variety, whose stinginess in yield is justified because its oil is one of the highest quality oils in Croatia – liquid gold, our customers would say. Today, after more than 20 years of effort and work, we can proudly say that our olive grove has 2500 olive trees. The history woven through the land and heritage is complemented by state-of-the-art technology in olive oil production.

Respecting the centuries-old tradition, every year in the autumn, we pick our olives by hand and with the help of rakes and nets. The olives are then processed within 6 hours in the most modern oil mill Grubić, Bale. During this time, we impatiently wait for the first drops to flow, with which the favorite gastronomic pleasures of our family kitchen begin and end.

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It has long been known that Istria is a God-given land for olive growing. The sun, the sea, the earth, the wind and the Mediterranean climate provide ideal conditions for the production of top-quality virgin olive oil.

Our initial goal was to produce olive oil with more than 250 milligr/kg of polyphenols, which makes the oil a functional food (food with biologically active action). Today, Kristofola olive oil exceeds that number many times over. For us this is an ideal indicator that our commitment to growing olives went in the right direction – in the direction of top quality and  creating a drop of health from every drop of oil.

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